What does The Ambassadors Group do to increase the chances of getting a baseball scholarship?

Our full service clients benefit from 5 very specialized and unique services. They are as follows: 

  1. Professional Athletic Evaluation
  2. Individualized Development Plan
  3. Promotion to college coaches
  4. Exposure in front of college coaches
  5. Assistance throughout the recruiting process

Does The Ambassadors Group have travel teams?

No, we are not a travel program. However, some of our service plans include travel team placement in elite level programs with a solid track record of success.

What is included in the FREE Consultation

During our phone conversation we want to learn as much as we can about the athlete and his family. We want to learn about his goals, aspirations and talents. We want to discuss the level of commitment to playing in college. At the same time, we want to help our prospective clients understand how we help our athletes.

Does The Ambassadors Group offer services for other sports besides baseball.

At this time, baseball is our main focus. However, we foresee expanding into other sports in the years to come.

Do you have payment plans

Yes, we have made paying for our program affordable and manageable for most people.

What is involved in the athletic evaluation?

We work closely with The Ultimate Combine. It’s the most accurate, comprehensive and professional athletic evaluation available for amateur athletes. It includes 14 different athletic tests that help identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as an overall athleticism score. It also helps projects the level of play that an athlete is best suited for.

Does everyone get offered an individual plan

We have created plans to accommodate large numbers of players who seek our help. However, our individual plans are limited. We only offer individual plans to players we feel are the right fit for that level of commitment.

What are the prices of the various plans

There is a wide variety of service plans that range in price from less than a cup of coffee per day to much larger financial commitments. Pricing and payment plan options are discussed during our one on one consultations.

What is the number one reason players don’t get a scholarship?

93% of all high school baseball players will not play in college. There are many reasons for this. Based on our experience here are the top 5 reasons athletes fall short of their goal to play college baseball. 

  1. Lack of a specific plan
  2. Not getting the most from their God given abilities
  3. Lack of knowledge
  4. Little or no assistance from professionals
  5. Lack of promotion and exposure

If we are offered an individual plan, how long do we have to decide

We never want anyone to feel rushed or pressured to make a decision. Therefore, we do not place a time limit on making a decision. Based on our experience, most people know within just a few days of whether this is right for them. We are very upfront with our prospective clients. We explain that we are extremely selective with who we take as clients. We also limit the number of individual plans we offer. This is typically done by grad year.